
Ultra fractal standard.ccl
Ultra fractal standard.ccl

Thanks guys! If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.

ultra fractal standard.ccl

A big thanks also goes out to the community as a whole. I’ve expanded on it and now I’m releasing the updated method tailored to Chaotica.CreditsThe original idea came from and I bounced part of this off Crystalize. This method was originally created by on DeviantArt and she mentioned it in one of her journals.


I’m instead going to teach you how to build a Chaotica world that you can use as a testing grounds. That would defeat the purpose of learning. The most asked question is, how the heck do I see what transforms actually do? In this tutorial, I’m not going to go through every transform and tell you what it does. I hang around in the fractal chat discord and I’m active on DeviantArt and I answer questions in both places. The biggest question I had was, what do these transforms do and how do I make use of that? This is a common question. I started from a “oh this is cool software” perspective.

ultra fractal standard.ccl

Here's the first one., Chaotica: An IntroductionJuly 4, 2022Author's Note: I'm posting a duplicate of myWhat do the transforms do?When I first started working with fractals, I didn’t start from a math perspective. Thanks!If you missed the first few tutorials, you can find them in my Journal. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Chaotica: Transform Examples Author's Note: I'm posting a duplicate of my tutorials here on DA to increase visibility and potentially help more people learn.

Ultra fractal standard.ccl